Kamis, 21 April 2011

Pink Red Oak Cladding Combination Inviting Restaurant Interior Design

Consist of basement floor and ground floor, this modern restaurant interior design is really inviting. Pink and red colors combine with modified oak ogee moldings, add with soft lighting create warm, cheerful, and cozy atmosphere in ground floor. The oak ogee creation is interesting, beside as wall cladding and seating and table restaurant furniture, the oak materials manipulated become form of coat hooks, lamps, carved clock. Gloss pink panels become attractive ceilings, develop with brick pattern framework. In basement floor, darker restaurant interior created with black gloss, grey and reclaimed teak, giving more intimate and romantic atmosphere. In special room, red glossy wall cladding becomes main décor. This restaurant interior concept is tried to combine traditional British cafe interiors with Thai food served. Called as Rosa’s, this Thai food restaurant can be found at 48 Dean Street, London, W1D 5BF. Designed by Gundry and ducker.

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