Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Victorian House Contemporary Addition

Has Victorian workers cottage like this? Now, its time to be renovated become contemporary style living. Just like this house, two storey pavilions added for larger living space. With earth tone colors, Victorian and contemporary style unified. Don’t forget to use parquet, simple floor tile that make sense for classic building renovation.
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The layout over the long narrow block involves a series of figure / ground relationships with 2 central courtyards mediating 3 built elements. The scheme is given additional resonance via level and material changes. The central mirrored courtyard acts as a powerful interstitial space and a metaphorical bridge of history between the front and rear dwelling. Decking boards run inside and outside and with concealed fold away doors confuse and blur notions of interior and exterior. Continuity of material and colour is integral to the sense of flow & movement and the tale of the site’s history. This house addition and interior designed by Matt Gibson.

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