Sabtu, 23 April 2011

Innovative Modular Outdoor Seating Design

This modern divan seating is innovative approach to outdoor furniture design. This modern outdoor seating has modular cushion concept with fun creation. These seating cushions can be transformed into nine different configuration position style, transform sometimes sunbathing, sometimes in day bed, even become love bed by the association of 2 divans. The seating itself has 70’s furniture style with lacquered aluminum frame and rounded corners form. Designed by Benjamin Ferriol, manufactured by egoparis.
modular divan seating inovative cushion design
love-bed modern transformable outdoor seating design
lacquered aluminum frame seating design
day-bed divan modern modular outdoor seating
cushion configuration position seating design ideas
transform cushion position seating outdoor furniture
modular outdoor seating furniture house apliances
70s furniture style rounded design furniture
modern modular divan outdoor appliances ideas
relaxing cushion position style changed furniture

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